The performance report measures the how well a team is responding to and closing leads. Leadferno works best when new leads get quick responses and conversations receive regular follow up. Once a key action decided by the business is fulfilled, then a lead can be marked as Closed - Won.
The Performance Report will help track team members actions across profiles. There are options to filter date, profile, and label.
Open Leads: the number of open or new leads at the end of the period selected.
Messages Sent: the number of messages sent, not including auto replies, by team members.
Average First Reply Time: the average time of the first replies to new leads. Auto replies are not counted in this metric.
Average Reply Time: the average reply time of the first message
Total Resolution Time: the total resolution time is measured from the creation of a new lead to the time the lead is closed. This metric is an average of total resolution times across all conversations closed within the period selected.
First Reply Time graph shows the number of leads with the first reply time within the specific buckets, from the first thirty minutes going up to eight hours.
Close Leads graph displays the the percent of leads closed won, lost, and other during the specified time period.
Team Performance table
The team performance table displays the above metrics by team member. It includes an Export button to export a CSV containing the content visible on the screen. The table is sortable by data and by first and last name of the team member.